into the blue
above the blazing sun -
my diamond kite
I live in Los Angeles - one of its most remote subdivisions which is called Sunland and therefore full of sunlight. I admire the azure skies above brush-covered mountains from my sofa, from my kitchen window, from my bed... These are not mountains, but hills actually, worn a bit by the eons of time, wind, rain... and still eroding. Covered with green grass and yellow flowers in the spring in February, turning golden brown by the end of April, they change colors with the sunlight: sometimes misty, pale, at other times bright gold, and burnt orange turning into purple as the sun sets.
"let's go!" says my path
a secret joy waits around the corner -
Rim of the Valley
I recently rediscovered the joy of flying kites. . . I bought a dragon kite for my grandson, and loved playing with the kite so much, I got some more for me, too... At first, I thought I could only fly kites on the beach, where the wind is strong and steady. But I found a spot here, five minutes from my home.
burnt orange of grass
welcomes deep purple shadows -
canyon sunset
Half-way up the slope there is a pathway called Rim of the Valley, it turns 90 degrees at the edge of the canyon and creates a marvelous spot to fly a kite, or kites. The wind moves long the slopes, down the canyon, and turns where I stand. It may change direction frequently at lower elevation, but if the kite goes high enough, it says up there, supported by nothing but air and held in place by my string.
if I had wings
would I be a parrot kite
soaring in the skies?
high in the azure
a child's soaring memory
the rainbow diamond
I play with a classic diamond, a parrot that I improved by adding ribbons to the tail, and a "sharkie" of checkerboard geometric design. I think I should get more kites! If the wind is steady, I can tie them to a bush and fly several at once! If not, I just hold one and counter its moves and countermoves by tugging on the leash, it feels like having a pet that has a mind of its own and goes where it likes to go.
faster, faster
two kites race in place
the brambles win
The checkered rainbow "sharkie" has a 3-D "chest" that helps it fly, long and wide tail to keep the balance. Due to the loss of one stick that held the wings apart, and was replaced with a plastic coated wire from a fake flower, the kite has a softer, more pliable support across its wings, that allows them to flap in the wind. It looks almost alive as it changes direction and dances with joy in the sky. Alas, on the day this brief video was filmed, the sky was full of chemtrail stripes...
my delta kite soars
above orange delta hills
before the sunset
The first three kites were so much fun, that I decided to get more and added a laughing dolphin, a huge blue butterfly, and a twirly circle to my collection. Each has its quirks. So far, the dolphin is by far the best flyer.
My dolphin is the most aerodynamic in shape and flies as if swimming in the vast ocean, with amazing grace soaring above me. The two streamer tails are very, very long, adding to its stability. Here are some videos from my February 2021 kite-flying afternoon:
even after sunset
the dolphin high in the sky
laughs at me
Another new kite is a butterfly, so incredibly beautiful with its blue wings and colorful "eyes" at the edges - but this beauty does not fly well yet, tends to crash suddenly, just like my yellow-red parrot did when I first got it. I cut the streamers in half and added a set of streamers in the middle for the tail. After this change of design, the parrot flies beautifully. The butterfly has to have this "surgery" done, as well. Then, it will become a champion flyer, of incredible grace and beauty. Right now, I could not keep it in the air long enough to film it. Crashed within ten seconds!
For comparison, here's the golden Macaw Parrot, in flight, with its magnificent colors and three sets of streamers. Alas, the sky is all dirty off-white, covered with artificial chemtrail clouds.
The colors are lively on the parrot, and it looks very elegant with its three streamers. Holds beautifully onto the breeze and soars to the end of its very long line. Sometimes.
The rotating circle is the strangest design of all. The circle holds the oval "wing" that turns on its axis very fast. Interesting. Yes, it flies. No, it is not fun to hold the string. The rotating motion causes it to shake and vibrate. Feels like a machine generating electricity. Or something.
I later took it to Hermosa Beach, and had a better view on how it flies.

So, it is back to my favorite kite shape from my childhood, a simple, colorful diamond with a tail. It picks up the wind current very quickly, just wants to go up to the sky. I once tied it up and left it to dance up on the breeze, while setting another kite to fly. It was up there for 10 minutes, but when it came down, its tail ribbons got hopelessly tied up with the string and I will have to cut off some of the streamers with rough edges.
the moon blinks with joy -
a visit, flying rainbow,
heavenly delight
Why is flying kites so important? Pure joy! Up in the hills, with golden sunlight, azure skies, solitude, except for the hikers, bikers and dog walkers, one every ten minutes or so, some filming the kites with glee... And why is pure joy so important?
Let me quote a fragment of a book in progress by Eric Raines, energy healer and spiritual seeker who can teach us all a lot about choosing Love over Fear. Called "The Etheric Alchemist's Handbook," it will teach us how to transmute Fear into Love, Darkness into Light. An excellent idea.
"All positive and negative emotions stem from the foundations of Love and Fear. No matter the nuance of emotion whether anger, sadness or shame builds up to create an unpleasant emotion that does not feel like Fear, when disassembled, the sensation boils down to Fear of not having enough, of going without, of not being loved, of not belonging, of not being good enough, of not being successful, etc…
No matter what emotion, the swirls of passion, belonging or excitement that build up to create a feeling much different than Love, when picked apart, it boils down to a Love of creating, of belonging, of being capable, of providing, of nurturing, etc…
Vast tapestries of incredible Light Language poetry are capable of spreading throughout the sparkling jewels of a life’s timeline, creating such intricate, beautiful sensations, memories and emotions that harmonize, resonate and build to a crescendo of transformative Light.
Vast webs of sticky, violent swear words in Light Language are capable of spreading throughout the heavy, dark spaces of lifetime regrets and grudges, building raw, wounded symphonies of discordant pain and escapism. This is a very dark, heavy space for the Soul to exist in.
Both life paths are possible for the same person, even if that person has gone through incredible amounts of pain and trauma on any of the mind, body and spirit levels. The difference is that in order to create a timeline of Light, Light was chosen. Love was cultivated. Negative “words” were transmuted with joy and laughter and the opposite was chosen for the lifetime of negative Soul resonance."
Find out more about Eric and sign up for his workshops here:
at the string's end -
"can I go any further?"
my kite asks the sun
look at us!
we are both so rich in colors
Sun and kite delight
I like the diamond a lot, it is the size I used to make them, of think rice paper and balsawood sticks, glued carefully, with a string attached. Not as colorful as this one, the kites we made with Mom and Dad and went to fly in the fall in the fields nearby, were as much joy as the colorful diamond above setting sun in Sunland.

white, yellow, rose
violet, periwinkle, sapphire -
the kite's rainbow
"let me go!"
my kite tugs on the string
we dream of freedom
catching gold sunrays
my kite floats in indigo sky-
the day's last hour
In any case, it feels like I'm flying up there with my kites, up in the clearest, bluest of skies above my So Cal valley. Big Tujunga Canyon, if anyone asks... And when the sun starts setting down, straight ahead of me, I can take a nice shot of the kite above the sun, or within it. UFO, anyone?
evening's perfection
diamond aligns with sun's circle -
copper in indigo
two suns above
the valley folds quietly
into night's sleep
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