Imagine a Star…
… above your head. Imagine
a bright shining star
of white golden light.
Imagine a sparkling star
with long brilliant rays
wrapping your entire body
in a cocoon of light.
Imagine you are safe
in this light like a chrysalis,
waiting to become a butterfly,
like a walnut in its shell
before it grows into a tree.
Light permeates your body.
Light flows in your veins.
Light shines in your mind.
Light pulsates in your heart.
You are liquid light.
You are light.
You are love.
You are...
It is important to hold on to this knowledge and belief, especially today, when beauty, goodness, truth are under attack from all sides. Light and love too...
The beginning of chemtrails in Sunland after a beautiful clear morning.
The global chemtrail offensive is continuing but more and more people are waking up and looking up and posting photos, and commenting, and simply being aware of what's going on. More and more people are Light of this world. They know Light within and they are blessed by Light ...
More chemtrails in Sunland. Fake clouds. More spraying. Spring 2019.
Chemtrails after the rain interrupt the natural cycle of moisture
rising to form clouds and rain again. Sunland, Spring 2019.
This year, it is chilly here, or was until the end of May. Because we have a new a geoengineering project that causes historic floods and tornadoes in the mid-West on the prairies in America, when there were no floods or no tornadoes ever in such intensity, but then there is a historic drought and heatwave in India in a regular monsoon season (May 2019). hardly regular! This has been going on for years; but suddenly the FNM (Fake News Media) are full of announcement that Harvard will engage in Solar Radiation Management project to dim our skies.
Sometimes these look quite apocalyptic, crisscrossing in pale, dying sky.
Sunland, Spring 2019.
It hardly needs dimming after 20 years of the military doing that in "secret" and plain sight. Check out a 2018 story about cloud seeding in Australia, with names of corporations, budget amounts, and deadly flooding in Tasmania caused by artificial rain... Or another story, with a map of current cloud seeding and carbon capture projects:. The latter map is misleading in that it does not include the HAARP type microwave antenna arrays and other microwave energy projectors that are distributed around the world to hit the clouds of metallic nanopowders and heat up the atmosphere so as to block the natural flow of jet streams, divert it, shift the direction of hurricanes, cause droughts, or floods, and engage in other forms of weather warfare. This can only be found on sites managed by conspiracy buffs, who too often disappear without a trace. . .
What happened to our river of moisture in the sky? Our jet stream? It is enough to look at some satellite photos and see the artificial barriers of chemtrails, full of metallic powders, that are laid out in straight lines, like atmospheric fences, and then shot with ultra high energy beams to heat them up and stop the flow of the river of wet air and divert it north so it is then diverted again south to bypass California and land in the middle of the prairies. How horrible! What a horrible, mindless, greedy person you have to be do to that to the planet? Angry? Time to meditate, then.
Foreground: moisture after rain raises to form clouds.
Background: spraying to disperse them and prevent rain.
Try it, just try...
Sit, or lie, or stand quietly, not moving, but not tense. Relax, close your eyes. Imagine....
Meditation on Light
Close your eyes. Take a deep breath. Relax.
Imagine a bright, golden-white light right above your head, a miniature sun. Its golden rays shine all around you, through you. You are surrounded, enveloped, protected by light. You are Light. You are Love. You are safe.
Now, breathe in this light. See how it starts to shine inside you. With each breath, the brightness descends into you, deeper and deeper. Light enters and fills you. It shines inside your head. You see it in your mind's eye. Light particles scatter and flow in waves. All your thoughts are pure light. There is no darkness. Only light, only peace.
Now, the white light expands and settles in your heart. A sun shines in the middle of your chest. It stays there. The pulsating sun-heart moves the golden-white, dazzling light into all parts of your body. Your blood and veins are full of light. A warm glow spreads all over. Darkness disappears. Light is everything.
Streams of light flow through all your organs, muscles, and skin. Light rays cleanse, purify, and heal. They flow to the fingertips, the tips of your toes, through your eyes, ears, mouth, and nose. Even your hair is full of light. From the top of your head to the soles of your feet, you are all made of light.
Breathe deeply. Breathe in— breathe out—
Breathe in— breathe out. Now—in this moment—next—
The energy flows and pulsates. You feel lighter, fuller,
calmer, brighter. You are joyous, thankful. Shining with the golden-white glow of your light, you feel vibrant, fully alive.
You say YES to the light, YES to the life this light brings.
You rest in the tranquil rhythm of your breath. Rest
in the strong, steady rhythm of your heartbeat—
a pulsating, bright, golden sun.
You are light. You are love.
All made of light. All made of love.
Still— silent — serene—
The brightest sun.
* * *
Now, open your eyes. Feel the earth beneath your feet.
See everything around you. You are here. You have arrived.
A glorious morning in Big Tujunga Wash. Not a cloud in sight!
No real clouds, nor fake ones.
Here, on our lovely planet, we are systematically being poisoned by people who are either greedy or stupid or evil. Their death-wish intentions are implemented by others who feel they are helpless and have no other option. There are so many! Is there no hope then?
Blue skies in Hermosa Beach, with some rising moisture clouds
above Los Angeles in the distance. It was raining at night, so clouds appear by noon.
Yes. There is a solution. If we buy what the companies that poison us make, we are complicit in the destruction of the world. Thus, we should know what NOT to buy, what to stay away from, and how to read the labels to understand what is toxic and will harm us, and what is edible. Hint: grow your own food in your garden if you can (my veggies never grow, but trees and bushes do, so at least I have healthy fruit). If not, buy organic from farmer markets, and if you cannot do it, at least read the labels and buy organic from the stores.
Ever hears of Monsanto? Agent Orange? Roundup, Glyphosate? DDT? Now the company that made the greatest number of most horrible poisons in the history of the world is owned by Bayer, a German conglomerate that bought it for 66 billion dollars. Here are the companies that are owned by Monsanto and make food and domestic items that are quite common. I used to buy Lipton tea. No more. I'll look for new brands, and read who owns them:
Ever hears of Monsanto? Agent Orange? Roundup, Glyphosate? DDT? Now the company that made the greatest number of most horrible poisons in the history of the world is owned by Bayer, a German conglomerate that bought it for 66 billion dollars. Here are the companies that are owned by Monsanto and make food and domestic items that are quite common. I used to buy Lipton tea. No more. I'll look for new brands, and read who owns them:
How can we live in such a horrid world? We vote with our wallets. What we do not pay for will slowly disappear. Right? Let's vote Monsanto, Bayer, and their ilk out of existence with our wallets, with our corporate wallets. Let's do the right thing and sacrifice convenience for what's right for the planet. It is quite hard, and does away with the convenience of just grabbing something off the shelf of a fast-food store...
Another glorious sunny day, with pure azure skies in Big Tujunga Wash. April 2019
Plastic! I have been guilty of buying and drinking water from plastic, not recycled even though I put it in my recycling bin. China refuses to buy our garbage and sort it, so we have to stop producing so much garbage. I will start from where I can start. I'm a President of a Club and we will not use plastic plates, utensils, cups, or water bottles in our meetings any more. We will make this effort and wash the dishes after meetings for 80 people. That's a lot of dishes, I'll wash them since I'm the President. Because I ask for not using plastic, and because I care.
Meat! So much more costly, polluting, destructive and cruel to produce than veggies and fruit, and even eggs and dairy, for those who do not want to be vegan, but just vegetarian, or even pescatorian, eating fish but no red meat nor poultry.. I stopped buying and eating red meat two years ago, I will not be an annoying guest looking for food just for me at parties, or will eat fruit and nuts and cheeses they must have, but I will not chose to buy it for my home. That's a step forward. First do no harm. When I visited Chicago and toured the Stock Yards, where 800,000 heads of cattle and pigs were held and killed, the largest, most dirty, overflowing with blood place of murder of sentient beings for food - I felt really bad. As if a cloud of suffering remained in the air in that poisoned space.
But such dark feelings, coming from empathy and compassion, have to be lifted and dispersed, like rainclouds after rain. They should not drag me down into anger at the state of the world, disquiet, or unforgiveness. If we love all and forgive all, should we not forgive the animal killers, too? The polluters? The pilots of chemtrail planes? The operators of microwave drones setting fires? The evil, evil monsters giving orders?
I start my days with meditations and exercises, using my Seven Suns poem/incantation that I modify as it fits my mood. It is to balance my body and wrap myself in light, so I'm strong, and positive and able to do everything I am supposed to do during the day, in good cheer, happy, smiling, always loving and kind. That's the ideal anyway. I do fall short of it, and try again and again. What else is there to do, if not to pick up the pieces and try again?
I recently discovered that hand gestures "mudras" are associated with each energy center, or chakra in the body, one of the "seven suns" from the poem below. Above you have an illustration of the five "elemental" mudras associated with the five elements of creation. The fingers that are stretched out are to be straight and together, not sticking out every which way, as in the picture above (I picked it because it has all five with names in one image). But if someone has no practice, the ligaments will be stiff and the fingers will not be together as they should. The important thing is to touch the tip of each finger to the thumb that is associated with the element of fire. If you use the index finger - air touches fire (no.2), you have your hands in a gesture typical for meditation, but if the hands get tired, it is OK to shift positions.
Yucca starts to bloom, next to last year's stalk. Sun, sun, sun...
After going through these five gestures, it is good to end with the "Prana Mudra" - the gesture of life, the healing gesture, in which you hold together the small finger, the ring finger and the thumb. You can see that in some portraits of Christ from the Eastern Orthodox church. You can find an explanation on Ancient Yoga site: This is the mudra of life, healing all diseases. Keep you fingers in these positions while meditating every morning and after a year, check back on your spiritual, emotional and physical health!
The Seven Suns
The bright Sun above me.
Its rays all around me.
The bright Sun in my mind.
The bright Sun in my heart.
I am a droplet in the cosmic ocean.
I am a point in the sphere of light.
The first circle spins. The first sun shines.
The red circle spins. The red sun shines.
The coral circle spins. The coral sun shines.
The ruby circle spins. The ruby sun shines.
Faster - brighter - spinning - shining -
I am Divine Body - I am Divine Matter - I am Divine Presence
I am red ruby of life.
I am alive.
I am a droplet in the cosmic ocean.
I am a point in the sphere of light.
The second circle spins. The second sun shines.
The orange circle spins. The orange sun shines.
The copper circle spins. The copper sun shines.
The amber circle spins. The amber sun shines.
Faster - brighter - spinning - shining -
I am Divine Spark - I am Divine Flame - I am Divine Intention
I am pure amber of will,
I want. I give.
I am a droplet in the cosmic ocean.
I am a point in the sphere of light.
The third circle spins. The third sun shines.
The yellow circle spins. The yellow sun shines.
The gold circle spins. The gold sun shines.
The topaz circle spins. The topaz sun shines.
Faster - brighter - spinning - shining -
I am Divine Power - I am Divine Balance - I am Divine Fire
I am bright gold of strength.
I'm strong. I'm calm.
I am a droplet in the cosmic ocean.
I am a point in the sphere of light.
* * *
The fourth circle spins. The fourth sun shines.
The green circle spins. The green sun shines.
The jade circle spins. The jade sun shines.
The emerald circle spins. The emerald sun shines.
Faster - brighter - spinning - shining.
I am Divine Kindness - I am Divine Compassion - I am Divine Love
I am green emerald of love.
I glow with Love.
I am a droplet in the cosmic ocean.
I am a point in the sphere of light.
* * *
The fifth circle spins. The fifth sun shines.
The blue circle spins. The blue sun shines.
The turquoise circle spins. The turquoise sun shines.
The sapphire circle spins. The sapphire sun shines.
I am Divine Voice - I am Divine Expression - I am Divine Truth
I am Divine Song - I am Divine Melody - I am Divine Harmony
I am blue sapphire of truth.
I speak. I sing.
I am a droplet in the cosmic ocean.
I am a point in the sphere of light.
* * *
The sixth circle spins. The sixth sun shines.
The violet circle spins. The violet sun shines.
The lapis circle spins. The lapis sun shines.
The amethyst circle spins. The amethyst sun shines
Faster - brighter - spinning - shining -
I am Divine Vision - I am Divine Insight - I am Divine Wisdom
I am clear amethyst of Sight.
I know. I see.
I am a droplet in the cosmic ocean.
I am a point in the sphere of light.
The seventh circle spins. The seventh sun shines.
The pearl circle spins. The pearl sun shines.
The crystal circle spins. The crystal sun shines.
The diamond circle spins. The diamond sun shines.
Faster - brighter - spinning - shining -
I am Divine Radiance - I am Divine Clarity - I am Divine Light
I am bright diamond of Light.
Bright, shining Light.
I am the rainbow of infinite Light.
I am the sun of boundless Love.
I am the rainbow of infinite Light.
I am. I am.
I am all made of Light.
I am all made of Love.
I am all made of Light.
I am. I am.
* * *
My Light shines in my body.
My Light shines in my heart.
My Light shines in my mind.
I am. I am.
My Light shines in my house.
My Light shines in my garden.
My Light shines in my valley.
I am. I am.
My Light shines in my city.
My Light shines in my planet.
My Light shines in my galaxy.
I am. I am.
My Light shines in the world.
My Light shines in the Milky Way.
My Light shines everywhere.
I am. I am.
* * *
Amen—Let it be
God’s Light shines in me
Amen—Let it be
Two yucca whipplei flowers stretch to the sky. Seed pods on lower branches.
My friends call me the Dove of Love, gentle and sweet, with her insistent song, "I do, I do, I do love you. /I do, I do love all of you!" Doves are a bit plump and awkward, their flight heavy, yet graceful They are beautiful in shape, with smooth plummage. Round bead of an eye. Charming. What other bird would I want to be if I could be a bird? Tufted Titmouse sounds good. And they are so cute and tiny! Or, maybe something more glorious, like a Resplendent Quetzal? Or a Crimson Sunbird? Or even more majestic Regal Sunbirds? Maybe a White-throated Honeyeater? I love honey, for sure.. I have an Audubon daily calendar with so many birds I did not know the names of so many... Let's settle on Spotted Pardalote, then. Does this name make you smile?
My valley on a cloudless day in March 2019.

Whatever type of bird, I am, I know I am the only one of my kind, I do have relatives, of this world, and the next, but I am only one. So... now that I'm all balance and shining brightly with the Light of Love, it is time to admit it:
I am a miracle of life
I do what I want
I want what I do
I am perfect
I am a cosmic tree
I grow by the calm lake of Light
Its smooth opal surface
Reflects the Sun's smiling face
My roots drink liquid light
My crown sparkles with stars
My leaves are green with peace
My flowers are gold with joy
My fruit is ripe with wisdom
I am a living miracle
I am perfect
From noon to midnight
From midnight to noon
I love what I do
I do what I love
I am - I shine
I am one with One
I am perfect
(C) 2016, by Maja Trochimczyk,
from Into Light: Poems and Incantations
Lenticular clouds are rare, but natural. Some say, these are
cloaked alien ships. If so, that day we had a whole armada!
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