
Sunday, August 16, 2020

On August Cosmic Rays and Ocean Waves

Swimming in the ocean, in Pacific Ocean, crisp and refreshing like champagne, inspires reflections of a cosmic kind, of the One Energy, One Source that we all come from and return to multiple times, over eons of the Universe's ebb and flow.  No wonder these poems are so full of liquid light.

On Cosmic Breath

Flowing, moving, liquid energy coalesces into 

shapes, into lives, into beings of light, of earth

of solids and water. We are all One flowing, moving 

liquid energy of ether, spirit, light; spilling over 

limits, borders, obstacles, dark walls of separation.

Spilling into connection, convergence, unity. 

Cosmos breathes in waves of energy - endless, insistent, 

relentless, they inexorably swell and recede over aeons of time,

always moving, always here - flourishing, moving, liquid

energy of the Source - Light - Love - Life. 

Noah saw the arc of the rainbow spread above the land after the deluge as a promise, a covenant of the Divine with the Earth, a promise of safety, and peace. The rainbow colors rise from red, through orange, gold, green, blue to violet and ultraviolet. Blended together, the form the white visible light that can be split apart into separate rays by a prism. The chakras or energy centers of the human body also have these colors assigned, from red into violet, or white at the top, at the crown opening into the infinite. 

A Cosmic Rainbow

Blue - baby, cornflower, azure, sapphire, indigo

sky, sky, sky,sky of Divine Mind. Sky.

Infinite expanse, clear and translucent sky

calls to us, waits for us to plunge into

its hidden depths, to awaken.

Green - jade, moss, forest, emerald,

grass, leaves, stems, fruit of the Divine Heart

of Earth - fertile, abundant, teeming with life

Earth surrounding us with blessings

Earth calls to us, waits for us to taste

its heavenly nourishment, to care for 

the perennial growth , to awaken.

Gold - yellow, daisy, aster, finch, sand,

sunlight of time, of transition, of energy flowing

from shape to shape, life to life, forming, dissolving

building up, falling down, an eternal flow of energy

power, life - calls to us, waits for us to be

to become, to expand, to awaken.

Red - ruby, garnet, rose-petal, wine, blood

my blood, your blood flowing through the veins 

of divine Body, carrying oxygen and food

into all the cells, all the microscopic beings

that come together, to be me, to be mine

to serve the Gold, Green, Blue and Violet

Violet - royal purple, amaranth, amethyst, 

iris, rainbow, flame - dancing, twirling in spirals,

ascending upward, beyond, always up 

connecting, linking into a cosmic lattice

of timeless presence calls to us, waits for us

to weave its liquid strands, to pleat its living

braids, to ascend into brightness, into white

White - snow, crystal, diamond, white of light

the spark of light broken off the infinite pyramid

of Divine Will, sent out into the Red, Gold, Green

Blue and Violet - to explore, to experience

to live, to breathe, to cry, to laugh, to gather

the fruit and bring them back - untouched

and uncensored, fruit of life, my life in white.

Once the meditation is over, a sense of bewilderment remains, as the astral, etheric, emotional and mental bodies return to fuse with the physical, their anchor in the here and now.  It takes time to come down to Earth from Astral flight into higher realms, or from examination of what needs to be done, should be done, is the right thing to do.

After a Meditation

I am a humble mirror of the Sun

reflecting its glorious brightness

over the whole Valley, my heart

pierced by its vibrant rays.

Shining, shining, I overflow with life-giving energy

radiating, suffusing everything.  Wave after wave

ray by ray, light lifts the heavy veil of darkness

thick, stagnant, murky, chaotic, confused.

I am a bright ray of Sunlight

A window opened to infinity of truth hidden

just beneath the tactile surface of matter

just above scattered particles of night air.

Concentric circles of the soul spread out 

from where I stand on ancient rocks 

of the Earth in clear mountain stream.

I breathe steadily, deeply the pure Air 

warmed by the Sun's distant Fire.

I'm the Fruit of Cosmic Spirit, 

I'm the Star of Endless Light.

You can see its sunny residue 

in the contour of my smile.

Thursday, August 6, 2020

How High the Moon? Sandcastles on the Beach

It is vacation time - to be outdoors, in the mountains, in the garden, on the beach... Here are some romantic beach poems about the simple pleasures of life. Flying a kite, jumping in the waves, sailing, building a sand castle are all activities we used to take for granted. Now so much harder when we are told to stay away from each other, and wear masks, masks, masks.  The "mask" is a symbol of lies and deception, it is a barrier between us and life. Let's forget the masks for a moment, and enjoy summer in California, summer on the beach... with half-moon and full sun at the same time. 

Let's start by listening to the divine Ella Fitzgerald singing "High high the moon..." with incredible gusto and an epic scat

Or if you are more relaxed, maybe you want to listen to Lola Albright, with her old-style charm,

Slowing down to the sleepy, breathy,  yet resonant voice of Mel Torme (1961), you can doze off on the beach accompanied by violin solos

A Day Trip to Venice

 The stunt kite traces the infinity sign

over and over above our heads in June-gloom sky

until it twirls into a spiral nose-dive and hits the sand

so hard it falls apart.


Again, it floats up – patiently, gently,

like wings of the dove, so steady high above us, we

float up with the kite into the lucid, pearly milkiness

of clouds, shifting shapes on this strange afternoon.

A lone sailboat disappears into the distance.

Pacific Ocean is cut in half by a sharply outlined pathway

of light leading towards the steely white sun – so hard, so relentless

it pierces through the mist, carried onshore by steady winds.


We watch the stunt kite dance its dangerous dance.

Ominous steel waves turn into lead. Darkness falls

around us until we cannot see, only feel the tug of the

outstretched lines that keep the kite balanced in the air.


This is the trick of living well, this balance,

staying afloat on marine air currents

lifting us above – higher and higher

into pristine clarity – to postpone

the inevitable crash, avoid

the death spiral at all costs,

any cost – live here and now

in the sweet bye and bye –

forever –

Carving Sand


On the shore of the Pacific

a man carves out a sandcastle

with the straight, sharp edge of

a credit card. Crenellated ramparts,

tall arched gates, Gothic windows and

elaborate turrets – the castle comes into being

just for a moment – until the high tide washes it away

and the dream vanishes among the waves.


So do we – build our own sand-castles,

on credit, with cards we struggle to pay off

after darkness passes and the fog of despair

lifts up. Was it worth it? To keep the house for kids

and have no time to be there for them, with them?

Working, always working… Was it worth it? To mortgage

your whole future for a dream of finding refuge in a rose garden,

filled with the sweetness of birdsong and orange blossoms?


Bright sunlight pours onto the beach,

outlines the carved contours of the sandcastle,

standing proudly alone, just for a moment,

for this moment, for us.  

The ocean is friendly.  How do you know? It waves!  An old joke from a children's book tells the truth: the ocean is our friend. Its rhythms, waves crashing with 5 and 7 seconds between them stimulate the calming rhythms in the brain and peaceful, serene emotions. The waves are hypnotic and you could spend hours looking at the breakers, listening to their noise. The ocean's clean air, full of ozone and iodine, heals our lungs. The salty water heals the skin and muscles - just do not drink it! 


Sunlight and Saiboat Regatta in Hermosa Beach:

Pacific Ocean Calmly Waves