
Friday, February 14, 2020

Poems for Valentine's Day - Will You Walk By My Side?

The question on pink and red Valentine's Day cards and candies is: "Will you be mine?"  I think that's the wrong question. The right one is: "Will you walk by my side?" You cannot own another person, that's slavery. But you can walk together, not in front of each other (leading), not behind (following), but together, side by side, on the path of life. To do that, we have to focus on what's truly important. As T.S.Eliot said, "the still point of the turning world" - Light, Love, Christ...

The Still Point

I like the way you look at me,
drinking me in
with quick, short glances,
as if it were too much
to see me whole

Very thirsty for love,
aren’t you?

You are the matter of a man
I’m the spirit of a woman,
we belong together

From all the possible futures
I pick the one
where you are with me

The space-time cone moves,
the options shift and shrink
every second 

I place you at the still point
            of my turning world 

(c) 2007-2020 by Maja Trochimczyk, from Rose Always - A Love Story

There are so many delightful, meaningful stories, endless truth hidden in fairy tales. I've always loved fairy-tales and folk-tales, and have a nice collection of international stories. Only Brothers Grimm are so truly grim... others have discoveries of the walking kind, for instance, the princess that walked the world for three years in iron shoes to find her beloved (Slovenian "Pigeon Prince" tale). Or the Prince Charming who climbed over ancient thorny hedges and walls to find his Sleeping Beauty and wake her up with the kiss. That's the kiss of Love and Light, of course, true union of their souls. 

Up, Up, Up

With you, I’m a fairy-tale princess,
a Cinderella, perhaps, with her gold
spun-glass slipper on my nightstand
by the Polish Bible I use each day
to find out if I’ve been good.
I really do not know.

Sometimes, I’m a sleeping Beauty
with rosy cheeks, awakened
by the lightest touch of your lips.

Why are you my Prince Charming?
I really do not know. Why
did I have to cross the Great Plains
fly over oceans, wear out
three sets of iron boots, defeat
the Leviathan and the dark
Chameleon in my dreams?

Here I am – here we are
together. Step by step,
holding hands, we climb
the inaccessible heights of God’s
white mountain, its snowy peaks
dazzling with the brilliance
of the sky – song – light – 

(c) 2011-2020 by Maja Trochimczyk, from Rose Always - A Love Story


…petal by petal, the flower of our heart
                                              ~ Amy Lowell

drawing together
the vine of heart leaves
stroke by stroke
from darkness
into light
intertwined –
with the vine
of love

(c) 2014-2020 by Maja Trochimczyk, from Rose Always - A Love Story


As love grows, its meaning deepens, beyond passion, beyond infatuation, towards endless delight and admiration, arising from the true clarity of a shared purpose, shared light... The more we know the profound beauty of the beloved, the mysteries within, the more love there is.  Love is truly endless, the more we give, the more we have to give. It never stops, never dies. 


Red gold of falling leaves
and amber, liquid amber
engulf me with the intensity
of our love for all seasons –
Even the invisible California winter
without snow, with bright sunshine
and birdsong each morning – in time
for Darjeeling tea, Columbian coffee
and naleśniki, flat Polish pancakes
with a touch of maple syrup from Vermont.
The whole world celebrates with us
for we know true meaning of attachment –
not the pink blush of infatuation –
not the wine-red rose of passion –
but this, only this – pure clarity
of azure skies – clear radiance of red gold
and amber – liquid amber 

(c) 2017-2020 by Maja Trochimczyk, from Rose Always - A Love Story

Forever - is made of "nows"- wrote Emily Dickinson in one of her timeless poems. Indeed, forever is nothing but a string of moments, each more precious than another, each shining with a warm light of love within.


you taste of sunlight

sweetness, soft swirls
of ice cream melting
on yellow rays of mango slices
the golden glow of honey
in your eyes

you surprise me
I turn my head and
there you are, looking at me
over your oil-smudged fingers,
engine parts –


you know what I think
you taste of sunlight

(c) 2008-2020 by Maja Trochimczyk, from Rose Always - A Love Story

Lost and Found
… the sky of the sky of a tree called life
                          ~ e.e. cummings
I found myself
in a perfect place

I laugh to tears
and I like what I see

after broken pieces
of Devil’s mirror were
washed away from my eyes

There’s no torment here,
no limits, only the infinite
glory of becoming One

with Universe, One with
the Divine, endlessly delighted

No anxiety, no desire –
I live right here, right now

Thank you for the key
that opened my door to Paradise –

Serene, fearless, I’m wholly
and whole made of Love –

(c) 2010-2020 by Maja Trochimczyk, from Rose Always - A Love Story

Twin Flame Promise
to have, to hold, and to cherish
                                                ~ old English wedding vows

I take you to be my beloved
for today and tomorrow
for all days and nights
for a week and all weeks
for a month and all months
for a year and all years
for all eternity
wherever we are and will be
in rain and sunlight
in joy and happy togetherness
of our most holy marriage
our divine union

I promise you solemnly my love
faithfulness and honesty
and that I will not leave you until my death
I will be with you as long as I exist
I promise you the love of my heart
because you are my heart –
and the love of my body
because you are my body –
and the love of my eyes
because you are the light of my eyes –
and the love of my soul
because you are my soul mate
my being’s other half
my fulfillment now and forever

In God, our Divine Source, Way and Life
sharing our love for ever and ever

And so let it grow and last and be
my promise for you and yours for me

(c) 2015-2020 by Maja Trochimczyk, from Rose Always - A Love Story

I Did Not Dare To Hope

Yet I know it is true.
This certainty is of a bubbly
sparkling kind – it floats up
like champagne in a tall flute
to welcome the New Year
of promises to keep, of bliss-filled
Love that never was, but always is –
always as in a country song of old
shining on pink rose petals
covered with diamond dew
in the morning, under
the periwinkle sky
“of endless possibilities
and our greatest dreams”
that we’ve known
and will know –


(c) 2020 by Maja Trochimczyk, from Rose Always - A Love Story


In a seashell there is an ocean
There is Universe within my heart
A myriad galaxies dance in my mind
I’m a microcosm of Divine design

In a seashell there is an ocean
In dark coal mine bright diamonds grow
In your eyes I find ageless wisdom
The One Love that sustains us all

In your guilt I see my darkness
In your beauty – radiance and light
In your voice – the calling, the calling

Mountain air on a spring morning
Sparkling diamonds, radiant and pure –
            For all forevers you enfold me in Love 

(c) 2020 by Maja Trochimczyk, from Rose Always - A Love Story

So you look within, look inside the rose blossom, admire the infinite geometry of its petals? But what if you looked up? Towards the light-filled sapphire sky that all flowers stretch up to?  Roses, magnolias, sunflowers - they all move to the light, and maybe the secret of love is to do as they do?

In the Valley of Yes

I wrote it out in a thousand words
again and again, affirming
the forgotten truth.

You opened your eyes, bewildered,
finally seeing what is to be seen,
saying what is to be said:

We have crossed over into the Soul
now merging into what’s before us.

That is you on the interior, lining
the depth of my heart. You are the center
of my Universe, as we are aligned
perfectly under the Sun.

A rarity found true. You and I.

As we climb the path of life alongside
each other, I am honored to walk with you.

Now, I am looking through the lens of Love
that opens into the landscape of you,
a wildflower that comes alive in me.

I found a slice of Heaven, in front of me.
It is you! I love you today,
tomorrow and

(c) 2020 by Maja Trochimczyk, from Rose Always - A Love Story


My tiger orchid blooms again
for the third time already

It looks at me shyly
with topaz eyes

thinking, I’d remember
that night, that music
of togetherness –

Expand, expand, forever
expand – our hearts fill

with Cosmic Light of
a thousand Suns –

liquid and flowing
to heal and purify

We thank, we praise
the One Love

that blossoms
in emerald gardens

in sapphire flames
and bright tiger eyes

(c) 2020 by Maja Trochimczyk, from Rose Always - A Love Story

Sweet Nothings

We are the wings of a butterfly
Dancing in the vortex of time
Ascending to the heart of the galaxy
Flying higher and higher and higher

I love you. You love me.
I love you. You love me.
We are love, love, love, love
One love.

We are the wings of the butterfly
Twirling with a flutter in the breeze of time
Carried by currents beyond what’s known
We swirl and rise up, together

I love you. You love me.
We are love.

What remains of the wings torn apart?
Is the pattern eternal? Does it stay
Once created and outlined in pure light,
embroidered on the fabric of reality
with a sparkling golden thread of memory?

Yes, I love you. You love me.
I love you. You love me.
We are love, love, love, love
True love.

 (c) 2020 by Maja Trochimczyk, from Rose Always - A Love Story