
Tuesday, December 6, 2016

New Year's Gifts of Poetry, Enchantment, and Loving Kindness

White Rose in Darkness, by Maja Trochimczyk

It is time to send good wishes. For Christmas peace and delight. For New Year blessings. For Hanukah. For all other holidays that people celebrate at this time of the year. Why do we need holidays? Holy Days? To set aside some time and "sanctify" this time with feelings and actions of goodness, forgiveness, loving kindness, delight, child-like wander, joy, and peace, and tranquility of the heart that comes from being at-one with the world, at-one with the time and space of right here, right now.

Of Bliss

I'm burning but I'm not burnt
In agony, but not yet dying
Light streams out of my heart
Filled into overflowing
Sounds of an ancient tongue
Trigger a glimpse of a time
When the rose and the flame are one
Wreath of fire which engulfs me
Dissolving into stillness

A white wave reaches its destiny
The valley brightens
Under a shaft of sunlight
The air is sweetened with flutes
And harps – how obvious,
how delightful! A breath
and music cascade into silence

Love is no father, no mother
But this: perfection
Of all things in all
Feelings collapsed into one
Not a longing, really,
And not satisfaction.

Perfect fulfillment: 

All dreams.

(c) Maja Trochimczyk, 2016, from Into Light

In my Christmas and New Year Wishes for 2017, I quote poems and post pictures of gifts that I'm thankful for, the gifts of art, of poetry, of presence and enlightenment that I received from my friends or found somewhere, somehow.

The Elements of Water and Sun, by Maja Trochimczyk

I was quite surprised that I got a gift from a new poet at our readings, Mr. Yatindra Bhatnagar, a serious man who somehow reminded me of my father in his seriousness, and earnestness, gravitas,  you could say. Here's the poem I received with delight and put on my desk at work:


Life is sacrifice, make it,
Life is a reward, take it.

Life is beauty, admire it,
Life is success, desire it.

Life is a dream, conjure it,
Life is a struggle, endure it.

Life is community, reform it,
Life is a duty, perform it.

Life is reality, face it,
Life is love, embrace it.

Life is a battle, fight it,
Life is a path, light it.

Life is a game, play it,
Life is truth, say it.

(c) by Yatindra Bhatnagar.

Lovely, isn't it?  The voice of reason, the call to embrace life in all its complexity and challenges, in truth, reality, beauty and love... Thank you, Yatindra.

Pacific Beach in Ventura, by Maja Trochimczyk
Pacific Beach in Ventura (c) by Maja Trochimczyk, 2016 

I was equally delighted when I got a message from my dear friend, a multi-talented poet-artist Toti O'Brien who wrote a short story about creating Sweet Relief, an artwork that now proudly adorns my home. Below is an excerpt from Toti's piece, published as "The Tapestry" in Communion, Issue 6.'Brien.html

Toti O'Brien with Sweet Relief, August 2014,(c) by Maja Trochimczyk

"The inspiration for the painting came in times of fertility and steadiness, when I still was my own master. I conceived it as a mosaic of many squares, something I’d tackle a fragment at the time, then put together at last. From the same fertility a family sprung, while the work was two thirds on its way. The last third reflected my new status: I switched from brushes to needles… matching the mood of nursing and lullabying. The materials I used, thread and cloth, subliminally hinted at blood ties, domesticity." [...]

"I decided to call the piece “Sweet Relief”, when I began the sewing portion… to express my focus: exploring effects on color and form of a barely hinted third dimension. Therefore, I provided no more than a technical definition. Although, those two words were the title of a song I had liked, ten years earlier. I had fallen in love with it, even decided to learn it, listening to the same old tape a disconcerting number of times." [...]

"It took me sixteen years to complete the labor. During that time I was calling. Did relief ever come? I dare say yes. Stitch by stitch, I put it together. With my fading eyes, my ten fingers."

And now, this beautiful piece, that took sixteen years to create, square by square, one after another, is in the central point in my home. I like watching the patterns, repeating, varying, from image to image, abstract, pastel, yet rich beyond belief... Thank you, Toti. 

It is fascinating to me that Toti had the persistence needed to finish the work, to keep adding to it, square by square, year by year. What an amazing project! But what's equally amazing are the blessings we receive. Blessings of patience...

The Gift of Patience

squeeze your eyes tight
raise your face to the sun
see the magic kaleidoscope
of jagged shapes
under your eyelids

the white light heals
the white light erases
the white light sings
a new world into being
a world without torture
a world without shame
a new world

just close your eyes
just wait, do not peek
the grace will come
the grace will come
the white light sings

(c) 2016 by Maja Trochimczyk, from Into Light.

Timeless Ray of Hope, Maja Trochimczyk, Text  Kimberly Meredith
Timeless Ray of Hope (c) by Maja Trochimczyk with text by Kimberly Meredith (

One source of blessings, for me, is the spiritual healer, Kimberly Meredith, who has a simple message, different for everyone, yet the same - forgiveness, love, compassion, living in the light, in love, in the present of grace.... I made an image with her words and hope to see her again. She helps people find their own way to health and happiness.

My way to happiness includes my friends, especially the four  "birds" of the Spiritual Quartet - Lois P. Jones (The Phoenix), Ambika Talwar (The Peacock), Susan Rogers (The Hummingbird) and myself (The Dove of Love, they called me). Once upon a time, the birds went to the forest. To be exact, to the enchanted forest sound-and-light installation at Descanso Gardens in La Canada. Pure magic. Something to remember and be deeply thankful for.

L to R: Maja, Ambika, Lois, and Susan at Descanso Gardens, 2016

There is a field of tulips changing color in waves, the symphony of oaks that play bells and chords modulating when you go around them, the color lights on the fog above water, the circles and spheres of light that change color when you walk from circle to circle,

Path of Light Drops, Maja Trochimczyk

The enchanted ancient forest with thousands of fire flies, the moving shadows on the lilacs, the blue, green and purple trees showing off their contours, the red lanterns reflected in the deep darkness of the water, beneath oak branches and camellia blossoms. Pure magic. With something for kids and something for adults, and stars above our heads, bright, oh so bright...

Give me your hand... by Maja Trochimczyk

This beautiful installation brings the best of technology and nature together. This is THE way to use the recent developments in technology: remote sensors that trigger beautiful sounds from hidden computers and loudspeakers when people dance about the oaks; light projectors and computer controls that move the thousands of fire fly lights on the canopies of redwoods and sycamores, that dance on the surface of the pond, that color the forest with a magic palette of violets and sapphires. 

All to create beauty, thankfulness and gratitude in people's hearts. The tall, majestic trees of Descanso Gardens are beautiful in any weather, any light. They are just that, beauty personified. But the colored lights and sounds add another dimension, playful, and delightful, to the already beautiful, enchanted and enchanting forest - something for children that are four, and children that are sixty four...

Rest with me... by Maja Trochimczyk

And then, I read, and read, and listened. I am on this endless quest to find the truth behind the truth, the core of reality hidden in plain view within our reality here and now. I found bits and pieces already. The Beatles sung about it - Love, Love, Love... It is so obvious and so present that it is so very easy to miss and ignore.

Japanese Garden by Maja Trochimczyk

You have to pause and think, or look at it from a different perspective. Say, the "timeline" of your life.  Can you change this timeline, can you jump to a different reality, a different world? Yes, it is easy, so easy. And you can do it in several steps (thanks to YouTube for posting the video with this inspiration, supposedly channeled from Egyptian deities that lived long ago).
  • First Step: Imagine as your goal the timeline of the world of Loving Kindness
  • Second Step: Fill your heart and head with the idea and feeling of Loving Kindness to all, everyone and everything, right here, right now
  • Third Step: Act with Loving Kindness towards all, everyone and everything, right here, right now, and always
  • Fourth Step: Persevere and maintain that mental and emotional state of Loving Kindness regardless of how people respond to you and how you are treated
That's it, you are done. 

You have jumped to the timeline of Loving Kindness. You live in Heaven, or rather, Heaven lives in you. 

Remember, the fourth step is the most important. Do not sink into regret, anger, fear, hatred, disgust, despondency, nor anything negative. Do not sink into the quagmire of self-inflicted negativity, neither self-indulgence, nor self-aggrandizement will take you to your destination of Loving Kindness.

Isn't it great? Entering this blessed and blissful world is very easy, having the intention to do it is also easy, what's hard is to keep going, stay in this magic kindgom, and maintain your attitude and feelings of Loving Kindness towards all, everyone and everything in the face of adversity, cold, trouble, mosquitoes that bite your arms, or pesky and annoying people that say nasty things to annoy you.

So I wish everyone to find their own world of Loving Kindness and fill this world with blessings of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control...If all people followed that path we'd have no wars, right? Why don't I start from myself? And end there? Since I cannot change others, only myself?

Loving Kindness is one of the names of God, and if we are made of Loving Kindness, we are simply Divine!  Here's a poem of gratitude for this astounding gift.

Double Delight Rose by Maja Trochimczyk

A Hymn

For the gift of freedom
Praise God's Holy Name

For the new beginning
Thank the One, True Love

For the spring of joy
Sing the purest song

Of Love that was, is
And forever will be in you
With you, all around you

Love the Love
Love the Greatest Love

Praise God's Holy Name —

(C) 2016 by Maja Trochimczyk, from Into Light

So now only one thing remains to be done, to wish all my poetic and artistic and kind and loving friends, warm and happy Holidays and a wonderful New Year!

May your Heart be light as a Feather,
May your Smile be bright as the Sun,
May your Days be sweetened with Laughter,
Happy Holy Days of Loving Kindness and Fun!

Best wishes for the Holiday Season and the New Year 2017!

Maja Trochimczyk